Directed by Sebastian Doringer
RADAR Student Competition, Up-and-Coming Film Festival, Monstra Film Festival
Sebastian Doringer
We Edit Life
2:32 PM
Ce programme festif et un brin irrévérencieux s’adresse aux jeunes, aux jeunes de cœur et aux adultes qui apprécient encore les films pour enfants.
DJ XL5 has selected a deluge of fun shorts and slips between them static effects and excerpts from old movies and other cultural deliriums.
Pomme de Terre is the unbearable story of an impatient potato waiting in line.
Adam Carter Rehmeier
A riotously hilarious anti-romantic comedy – that just happens to be genuinely romantic – in a universe between WELCOME TO THE DOLLHOUSE and REPO MAN.
Shinichiro Ueda
Shinichiro Ueda (ONE CUT OF THE DEAD) is back with the highly anticipated SPECIAL ACTORS – in which actors infiltrate a cult and turn the entire world into a stage!
Tsutomu Hanabusa
What if Mazinger Z existed after all? Together, Asegawa and his team will do their utmost to achieve the impossible: make the imaginary real.